
Long overdue, but here are my “before” shots of the new apartment. I’ve been away for several reasons; the big one of which is I’ve just been working on the apartment like a fiend. Good news is that it’s finally come together and I can start, y’know, talking about it. I just couldn’t sit in an unfinished room and talk about improving it until I had done something.
Second reason is that after living here for 7 days, I was let go from my job. Not a bad thing, really. Anyone who knows me knows how unhappy I was there and how I just wasn’t passionate for the field. Inconvenient? Yes. But I’m not just churning out crap what I say that I really am excited for what happens next, whatever it may be. It all works out, right?

Anyway! My apartment before starting the great makeover:

Living Room:



* Probably could have taken more/better photos of the bathroom but hindsight means nothing

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